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About Myjobkiller

Welcome to We are happy that you are looking for a better way to make money than going to a job that you hate. This site has a lot of helpful information and some great tips, tricks, and mindset stuff that can get you closer to making the dream of controlling your future a reality.

We look forward to serving you with the information and tools to bring you success.

Don’t Set Me On Fire With Jet fuel

I am excited and proud that you have taken the time and the energy to seek something better for your life and your family’s lives.

I don’t mind being the odd ball out in the crowd. Many people conform to their environments and other people, creating no room for creative expression. As an entrepreneur, you will love those two words’ creative expression.

One of my favorite quotes: “Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” I have dreamed about financial freedom ever since I saw Carlton Sheets’s late-night infomercial on tv. I hustled up a few dollars and got the program, knowing riches would shoot out of the program box.

No Luck! But it was a good try!
Being young and not understanding the value of hard work and developing skillsets, I failed before starting.

Fast forward to 2008!
I moved to Charlotte, NC, and worked as an airline gasman, a job I hated with a passion.

Smelling like jet fuel, and riding the bus home to have everyone in the back of the bus move to the front of the bus because I smelled like someone had tried to set me on fire. That job drove me online to look for a way out. I knew nothing about online marketing, or affiliate marketing at the time, but I loved the idea of making money from home.

That is when I ran across a company called Wealthy Affiliate which I am still apart of today. I knew I had found my home, or did I? I didn’t consider wealthy affiliate as a business opportunity. Not taken things seriously I continued to dance around the internet looking for the secret. Which added years to my learning curve.

The Purpose and Why We Want To Help You

Confusion is never a great place to be. The number one reason I created is that people like me can get easily confused searching for the promised land of freedom and increasing cash flow through creative planning and taking the right actions to reach it.

Money should be a side effect of the value you create for another person. At Myjobkiller, we live by this one principle, here and always.

Be that as it may, the measuring of value is hard to quantify for everyone, but we say that it equals results for our readers and course takers.

The Goal of This Site

At its core, the purpose behind this website is to get you results. To keep you updated on the latest and great things going on in the affiliate marketing space, bring tricks, tips, and great info on entrepreneurship and how to keep more of the money you make from your online biz.

If you would like me to help you personally, make sure that you sign up for a free account here at Wealthy Affiliate a platform I have partnered with to get you started

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